New Lenox Ordnance is your source for quality cut rifled gun barrels with amazing accuracy!
please join us In welcoming
burkins & ASSOCIATES Consulting, llc
to our team!!
NLO would like to welcome to our team, Mr. Matthew Burkins, founder of Burkins & Associates Consulting, LLC. Mr. Burkins will be joining our team to provide a one-stop solution for the ballistics industry's testing needs. Together, with Mr. Burkins' 30+ years of expertise in the military weapons testing and research industry and New Lenox Ordnance's 30+ years in the manufacturing and R&D industry, we are confident that together we can help you meet your ballistic testing needs.
For more information on Burkins & Associates Consulting, LLC, please go to our "more" tab where we have dedicated a page to Burkins & Associates Consulting, LLC.
For more information on Burkins & Associates Consulting, LLC, please go to our "more" tab where we have dedicated a page to Burkins & Associates Consulting, LLC.